How Does GAVED Work?

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Have you noticed, on sunny beaches and mountaintops,

the air smells clean, fresh and moist?

This is created by Earth’s natural cleanser.

Earth produces its own powerful cleanser, hydroxyl radicals.

Sunlight energizes water vapor in the air,

Stripping away hydrogen and oxygen and charging them to form Hydroxyl radicals.

These charged particles aggressively attack harmful organic molecules and destroy their structure, rearranging them into naturally occurring molecules such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, simple hydrogen and simple oxygen.. 

Pathogens like viruses, bacteria and spores are quickly destroyed by the energized hydroxyl radicals, earth’s natural cleanser.

This powerful cleanser also reacts with and neutralizes allergens, odors and VOCs, leaving behind harmless substances like water vapor.

These do not react with our epidermis, so its  safe for people, plants and animals. All of this is naturally occurring in our atmosphere.

We’ve combined NASA-utilized technology and our own proprietary system within GAVED to maximize the production and distribution of hydroxyls.

We recreate this mountaintop environment to cleanse the air around you.

Utilizing GAVED, we are able to destroy 99.999% of contaminants and harmful microbes in a short period of time.

GAVED emits cleansing particles that attack harmful substances in the air, recreating a fresh mountain environment. Utilizing GAVED is the most effective long-term solution to cleanse your air.

It is our goal to help our communities flourish, keep our neighbors safe and healthy and make life easier and more enjoyable.

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